If you wake up more often with sweats or sweat more than usual at night, you might want to get this clarified.
Sweaty nights – even though you’re alone in bed? If you often have to deal with sweaty sheets, you know it’s insanely uncomfortable, exhausting and tiring. However, if you regularly sweat profusely at night, there could be an underlying health problem. There is a wide range of possibilities here, but which one is the real reason?
If it doesn’t happen often, an expert explained to “Glamour,” it shouldn’t be a cause for concern. However, according to the expert, if the sweat awakening should accumulate, there could be a medical relevance. Especially if fever or weight loss accompanies the regular sleep interruptions. If you can’t sleep three times a week because you are plagued by sweating, the expert advises consultation.
Expert Dr. Harris is a clinical psychologist and expert in sleep disorders. In a study of 2000 participants, 61 percent of women surveyed reported having sleep problems. Among men, it was only 39 percent.
Once again, hormones are said to play a major role: “Hormonal changes are a major reason for sleep problems. Some women have problems with insomnia shortly before their monthly cycle, others struggle with it during pregnancy and shortly after the baby is born. Perimenopause/menopause is a big factor with hot flashes, night sweats, racing thoughts and major hormonal changes/fluctuations,” Harris explains.
Too warm under the covers at night?
According to the Austrian Ministry of Health, a sleeping temperature of about 18 degrees is favourable for comfortable nights. What kind of mattress, bedding and padding you use can also be important. Some fabrics are not breathable and cause too much heat in bed.
Don’t exercise in the evening, and don’t eat either
If you work out late at night, you run the risk of not being able to fall asleep properly. Although we feel exhausted after exercise, our circulation still runs at full speed. Our body likes to be cool when we sleep. This does not work if we lift a few weights before bed. Experts advise going to sports in the morning and aiming at lighter activities like yoga or stretching exercises in the evening.
Greasy and spicy food is also not very good if the Heia calls soon. Late-night, hearty snacks can trigger sweats as our bodies are busy digesting highly processed foods. “Hot sauce” always works, but not necessarily at any time of day.
Other reasons for night sweats.
There are several possible causes for night sweats, these include:
excessive stress
Drug interactions
Infections, colds
Sleep apnea syndrome (pauses in breathing during sleep)
Heart problems
Which reason applies should be clarified medically in each case. Next to eating, sleeping is the most important mechanism for regenerating our bodies. Also, sufficient qualitative sleep is of inestimable value for our mental health. A good start, according to the expert: consciously going to bed; taking time to actively and consciously approach the daily sleeping ritual. This can reduce stress and thus ensure better nights.
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